The standard video interconnection cables for pro video gear - 12G SDI cables.
Here we have one of our our mid-length cable options, the 100m SDI cable. Perfect for small rooms, this cable is suitable for most venues and rooms
We also have available a range of shorter cables available for hire including the longer 20m & 50m cables and many shorter options.
These coax cables feature a locking BNC end ensuring that they stay firmly connected to your equipment. Co-axial cables feature a shield to help isolate noise from video signals.
if you only have HDMI connections on your camera then we suggest you look at our HDMI-SDI converters to allow you to gaffer or lock off your HDMI and then attach a monitor to your SDI coax cable instead. We have a great SDI monitor that is great on set for focus pulling or as a directors monitor.
If you really don't like cables between your camera and video gear then why not try our Teradek Bolt zero-delay wireless video sender system instead. This device removes the need for any cables to your directors monitor and coupled with the Redrock micro wireless follow focus system you can focus pull for jib and dolly shots with ease.

0.90 Kg