Young Fisherman Boat Stories Film Shown at Blue New Deal Launch

The 22nd September saw the launch of the Blue New Deal initiative at the Southbank Centre in London. The initiative aims to create stronger economies for UK coastal communities through healthier seas.

As part of the event, we were asked to provide a copy of our recent Boat Stories film 'A Life in the Day of a Young Fisherman', which was shown as part of the panel discussions, with an aim to promote a debate on the future of the fishing industry. The star of the film, Ben Bengey, also attended the event as part of the discussion panel.

Or liason at the event, Fernanda, contacted us after the event saying "Thank you again for supporting the event last week by letting us show the film about Ben Bengey. It was a really successful event and people really enjoyed the film".


Published Saturday 19 September 2015 by Mark Brindle in Video Production
